KUSATSU International Summer Music Academy & Festival


【Message】Message from Prof. Karin Adam

The 41st Kusatsu International Summer Music Academy & Festival has unfortunately been cancelled due to the worldwide spread of COVID-19. Although the music festival cannot be held, we have received messages from seven of the faculty members who were planning to participate in this year’s festival.
We will introduce a message from Prof. Karin Adam.

As everyone else I was very disappointed to hear about the cancellation of the Kusatsu Festival. The relation between artists and audiences of all generations in their enthusiasm for music in connection with the beauty of the location is magic and non-interchangeable. Therefore I look forward very much to seeing you all next time!
It is strange to live in relative isolation, not to be able to meet friends, no concerts and no travelling. But I make the best of it and enjoy spending much time with my family, outdoors  and especially with my violin. I study a lot of Bach and Beethoven. And I also use the time to study new pieces, like the “Grand Duo Concertant” by Franz Liszt and his Duo-Sonata and a lovely sonata by Nikolai Kapustin which contains various jazz elements.
If everything goes well I shall perform the Beethoven Concerto this coming fall and the last sonata G major Op.96 which I especially like. I would love to perform these pieces in Kusatsu as well, may be also a piano trio and piano quartet by Brahms.
Dear students, stay healthy and make good use of the quiet time as much as possible! I highly recommend to spend a major part of your practice time with technical studies and also to study new pieces and to bring old pieces to perfection. And most importantly: have joy and enthusiasm when you play the violin!
I hope to see you all next time! I look forward very much to teaching, performing and wonderful encounters!

So wie wir alle war auch ich sehr enttäuscht als ich die Nachricht von der Absage des Festivals in Kusatsu erhalten habe.
Die Verbindung von Musikern und Publikum in ihrem gemeinsamen Enthusiasmus für Musik an diesem magisch schönen Ort macht Kusatsu so besonders und unverwechselbar. Besonders ihr, liebe Studenten, seid mir ein besonderes Anliegen! Deshalb freue ich mich schon sehr auf nächstes Mal, um wieder gemeinsam studieren und musizieren zu können!
In dieser seltsam fremden Zeit der Isolation habe ich viel Zeit mit meiner Familie, in der Natur aber vor allem auch mit meiner Geige verbracht. Am meisten habe ich mich mit Bach und Beethoven beschäftigt. Aber ich habe die ruhige Zeit auch für das Kennenlernen neuer Werke genützt, u.a. Franz Liszt ‚Grand Duo Concertant‘ und seine Duo-Sonate und eine tolle Sonate mit vielen Jazz-Elementen von Nikolai Kapustin. Wenn alles gut geht, werde ich im kommenden Herbst das Violinkonzert von Beethoven und auch die letzte Sonate Op.96 in G-Dur, die ich besonders mag, aufführen. Beides würde ich auch gerne in Kusatsu spielen, vielleicht auch eines der Brahms Klaviertrios oder Klavierquartette.
Liebe Studenten, bleibt gesund und nützt gut die Zeit! Setzt euch Ziele. Verbringt einen großen Teil eurer Übenzeit mit technischen Übungen, lernt neue Werke und perfektioniert die alten. Und das Wichtigste: Spielt mit Freude und Begeisterung!
Ich hoffe, dass wir uns alle das nächste Mal gesund wiedersehen und freue mich auf viele intensive Unterrichtsstunden, Konzerte und wunderbare Begegnungen!

Karin Adam

Violin / Participated in the 40th (2019) Kusatsu International Summer Music Academy & Festival.
Born in Vienna, the Austrian violinist Karin Adam studied at the Vienna Music Academy with Franz Samohyl. She made her first public performance with orchestra at the age of eight. After winning several competitions for young players she was awarded the “Mozart Interpretation Prize” by the Wiener Mozartgemeinde. After taking the First Prize in the “International Joseph Joachim Competition” in 1981 she has established as one of the leading violinists of her generation and has given concerts around the world. Karin Adam performs with some of the world’s leading orchestras and conductors. She also is a sought after chamber musician, and since 1986 she has performed in a duo with her sister, the pianist Doris Adam.

Please click here for detailed profile.


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