

講師インタヴュー vol.1






Academy : 講師の立場から見て、草津音楽祭のマスタークラスに参加する利点は何だと思いますか。



Academy: 演奏者、また講師として草津音楽祭に参加される魅力を教えてください。

Prof.Kulhan:草津音楽祭にはいくつもの素晴らしい点があります。 例えば、コンサートのプログラムでは、普段スポットライトをあまり浴びない楽曲が取り上げられます。パノハカルテットとしては、ユリウシュ・ザレンプスキという今まで聞いたことも無かった作曲家の素晴らしいピアノ5重奏を岡田博美さんと数年前に演奏しました。それ以降、私たちカルテットのレパートリーとなっています。また、今までに、セルジュ・コロー(Va.) ヴォルフガング・ベッチャー(Vc.) ヴォルフガング・シュルツ(Fl.)トーマス・インデアミューレ(Ob.)各氏をはじめとする素晴らしい音楽家と共演する経験と栄誉に恵まれました。


Academy: 今年のテーマ、モーツァルトの楽曲で、思い入れのある作品は何かありますか。



Academy: What is your opinion about the benefit of attending the masterclass in Kusatsu as a student?

Prof.Kulhan:As to benefits for students- I think there is very important moment to meet professors from foreign countries, to get new impulse, new ideas and to make contacts not onlywith professors, but also with fellow students. They have alsochance to use and to communicate in foreign language and so to improve also on this field.


Academy: What attracts you to join for the festival as a teacher and an artist?

Prof.Kulhan:I think there are many wonderful things at the KusatsuFestival and Academy. For example new ideas, concerningrepertoire. (Sometimes neglected pieces). As to our quartet, we never heard name J. Zarebski before. Few years ago weplayed his wonderful Piano Quintet with Mr. Okada here. Since that time is this wonderful music as a part of ourrepertoire. We also had very nice experience and privilege to play together with such outstanding artists like S. Collot, W. Boettcher, W. Schulz, T. Indermühle and others.


Academy: Is there any Mozart piece(s) which has a special meaning or memory for you? (questions relating with the theme of this year)

Prof.Kulhan:Well, that’s very personal…. As to me, for me has very special meaning Requiem, Zauberflöte, three last Symphonies. I think there is summa summarum of Mozart’s knowledgeand profound human wisdom. The same level are, (I think), last string Quintets.







Prof.Varga: 草津音楽祭はとてもフレンドリーな雰囲気です。全てのスタッフが音楽祭の成功の為に一生懸命で、訪れる人々、生徒さん、講師が必要とするものを100%得ることが出来ると思います。講師としてマスタークラスで教えるだけでなく、コンサートにも出演するというアイディアも良いと思います。新しい楽曲を学び、素晴らしい演奏家たちと一緒にコンサートに出演する機会があるのも、草津音楽祭に講師として参加する魅力のひとつです。





Academy: What is your opinion about the benefit of attending the masterclass in Kusatsu as a student?

Prof.Varga:As a classical musician, we spend most of our time with studying and playing compositions of European composers. These compositions are very often based/attached to volksmusic. I think it is very important to meet people (teachers) who can explain the origin, the meaning of the compositions. Also the experience, that the teachers brings through their musical activities for many years, can help the students for a better understanding of the intention of the composers.


Academy:What attracts you to join for the festival as a teacher and an artist?

Prof.Varga:The Kusatsu Festival has a very friendly atmosphere. All staff members are working very hard on the success of the festival, and I think everyone, teachers and students get 100% what they need. I like the idea, that we are not only teaching, but also playing many concerts during the festival. We learn new pieces and get the chance to play chamber music together with fantastic colleagues.


Academy: Is there any Mozart piece(s) which has a special meaning or memory for you? (questions relating with the theme of this year)

Prof.Varga:I love the string quartets/quintets and flute quartets of Mozart especially. He was a real genius, and even after nearly 250 years his music is still actual, fascinating and touching.


  1. いよいよチケット発売!

  2. ベルリンからの便り

  3. 遠山基金奨学制度申し込みスタート!

  4. 「草津アカデミー at ぐんまちゃん家」終了しました。

  5. 2017 コンサートの聴きどころ・後編

  6. リハーサル便り


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